How to invite and delete users to your company and entities

Bookkeep allows for companies to have multiple entities and you can control user access to each entity

Bookkeep has the foundation to handle simple as well as complex businesses in addition to accountants with many clients.

For example, a company could be a business with various sub entities with each having their own set of books. Bookkeep can accommodate this use case.

Additionally, a company could be an accounting firm while each entity belonging to that company could be a client of the accounting firm. Bookkeep can also handle this use case.

In the image above, Bookkeep Demo is the company and the various entities are listed in the dropdown. Test billing is the active entity being worked on.

Bookkeep gives you the control to invite and delete users to a company. When inviting someone to a company, you can invite to any or all of your entities in the company. By default, all admins and primary admins get access to every entity. The distinguishing difference is only primary admins can delete users from a company while an admin cannot delete users from a company. For more info on the different user roles, visit here:

Inviting Users:

To invite someone to your company, visit Company Settings from the left navigation and then select the Users tab:

From the users tab, you can select "invite user" on the right as shown below:

In the window to invite a user, you will have to enter their email and select their role. If you choose Admin, you do not need to select entities since Admins gain access to all entities. However, if you choose a Staff role, you must select the entities they gain access to. You can also indicate if this user is an accountant.

If you choose Staff, you will see an additional step as shown below to select entities. If you choose "Can access all entities," this will include all entities added in the future to that company:

Once you have completed these steps, the invited user will receive an email to complete the setup from their side.

Deleting Users:

As mentioned above, only the primary admin can delete a user from a company. If you are the company's primary admin, you will see on the Users tab under Company settings, a red trash can icon for members of  a company. When clicking the red trash can icon, it will proceed with the deletion of that user from the respective company. Below you will see the red trash can icon since this member is the primary admin who is logged in.

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