What is a company in Bookkeep?

A Bookkeep company is the central point for adding users and entities as well as managing billing

Bookkeep has the foundation to handle simple as well as complex businesses in addition to accountants with many clients.

For example, a company could be a business with various sub entities with each having their own set of books. Bookkeep can accommodate this use case.

Additionally, a company could be an accounting firm while each entity belonging to that company could be a client of the accounting firm. Bookkeep can also handle this use case.

In the image above, Bookkeep Demo is the company and the various entities are listed in the dropdown. Test billing is the active entity being worked on.

Bookkeep also allows you to be a member of multiple companies. This could involve an accountant who helps manage complex businesses with multiple entities as well as having their own set of clients in their company. What the above illustrates is the flexibility that Bookkeep offers for your business. 

Below we highlight the primary functions and abilities of a company:


    • A company can have many entities as shown below:
      • Each entity will have their own set of books with one to many app connections at the entity level
    • A company is the central point of operation
      • Billing is managed at the company level as shown under company setting below:
    • A company is the central point for inviting and managing users
      • Users are invited to the company and can be given access to 1 to all entities of that company
        • User management is done under company settings and then by selecting the users tab as shown below:
    • An entity is the point of all app and accounting connections
      • 1 set of books can be connected to an entity
      • Many app connections can exist for a single entity
    • You can be a part of many companies
    • You can switch companies when you are a part of more than one company
      • This is done from the navigation dropdown from the top right as shown below:
        • Clicking switch company opens the view to select the company to work on:
      • This allows you to operate in the context of a specific company based on the needs of your business

If you have any questions, please contact support@bookkeep.com.